
Seleny Joanne Karate (SJ Karate) a Non-Profit Organization

The Mission and Vision of Seleny Joanne Karate (SJ Karate) are to work and assist athletes without conditions and also with athletes with disabilities.

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) approved our “Seleny Joanne Karate Association” (SJKA) as a non-profit organization under Section 501(c)(3).

“Seleny Joanne Karate” (SJK) belongs to the SJKA, and we are committed to providing Karate Training, Shotokan classes, and self-defense to individuals WITHOUT disabilities, and people WITH disabilities. (Mental health, physical, orthopedic, cognitive, sensory, etc.)

Our main Oklahoma Instructor is a Clinical Psychologist and our Utah’s main instructors hold Master’s Degrees in Rehabilitation Counseling and Psychology, all of them, with several years of counseling experience. In addition, our senseis in Utah, Oklahoma, bitcoin vanity address and Wisconsin have several years of experience in working with kids and adults with and without disabilities.

Thus, do not hesitate, to sign up, get good training, develop muscle and strength, get self-confidence, stop bullying, have fun, and be happy.

Discounts are available.

The Sky is NOT the limit, but your mind may be…

Contact us for more information at 210-464-8982, emails: sjkarate@outlook.com, sj.karatedojo@gmail.com

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