

Kihon basics is the practice of basic techniques in Shotokan Karate. Kihon Kata, or Taikyoku Shodan, was developed by Yoshitaka Funakoshi, the son of Gichin Funakoshi, as a basic introduction to karate kata. (Yoshitaka also developed Taikyoku Nidan and Sandan) The kata consists of successive restatements of the theme of gedan barai – oi tsuki.

1. Karate stances (Dachi)

Karate stances are common to all types of Karate and Karate forms. They are far more than thedramatic combat postures they appear to be. They keep the body balanced and stable and allow attacks and defences to be made with maximum effect.
The 4 main Karate Stances of Shotokan are;

Back stance Kokutsu Dachi
Front stance Zenkutsu Dachi
Side stance Kiba Dachi
Front short stance Neko Dachi (Cat stance)

Basic Karate moves become masterful techniques when the position of the feet, knees and hips all come together to create the right base. The move itself will determine which of the Karate stances is best for the situation.

Neko Dachi (Cat Stance)

Neko Dachi (Cat Stance)


1. MAE GERI (Front kick)

2. Yoko Geri Keagi (Fast Side Kick)

3. Yoko Geri Kekomi (Side kick)

4. Mawashi Geri (Circular kick)

5. Ushiro Geri (Back Kick)

6. Ushiro Mawashi Geri (Circular Back Kick)

3. Shotokan Karate Blocks

4. Shotokan Karate Strikes or attacks

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