

This page provides written & video instructions for the 26 main Shotokan katas. It has information on Shotokan kihon katas. In addition, this section explores the meaning of each Shotokan Karate kata because many Shotokan schools question their students about these kata meanings during belt tests. For information on the katas of other Karate styles (i.e. Wado-Ryu katas or Kyokushin katas), please visit the main Black Belt Wiki section on Katas & Forms.
Shotokan Kihon Katas – These introductory kihon katas are used by some Shotokan schools. Click on the kata below for instructions & videos.
26 Shotokan Katas – These are the main 26 Shotokan katas taught to color belt and black belt Shotokan students. Click on the kata below for instructions & videos.
Additional Kata Used By Some Shotokan Schools & Organizations
How many katas are in Shotokan Karate?

Traditionally, there are 26 Shotokan katas. However, if in doubt, check with your Sensei/Instructor because some Shotokan Karate schools use slightly different kata formats and/or include additional katas from other Karate styles into their curriculum. Moreover, after the first eight katas, many Shotokan Karate schools have their kata in different orders/sequences based on the preference of the school’s Sensei.

Be aware that some Shotokan schools state that they practice 27 official Shotokan katas. Their kata list often includes Taikyoku Shodan (a kihon kata) as well as the traditional 26 Shotokan kata.

Why is kata important?

Many different Karate styles use kata in order to help students practice certain moves (i.e. kicking techniquesself-defense techniques and various strikes) as well as for improving a student’s physical conditioning, muscle memory, focus/concentration, balance, etc. Whereas some martial arts question the value of kata, most Karate schools think that kata is an essential tool in order to train karate students. For additional kata reasons and benefits, you should read our sections focused on Is Kata Useful or Useless? and the Benefits of Forms, Patterns & Kata.

To master kata, martial arts students should try to imagine that they are fighting an imaginary opponent. This allows students to practice “offensive” and “defensive” techniques (i.e. strike the imaginary opponent’s neck at the correct height and angle) versus just going through the motions in order to pass a belt test.

What does kata mean?
Kata is the Japanese word used for form. Kata is a series of standardized movements or forms that Karate students use in order to practice “offensive” and “defensive” techniques without a partner. In addition, Karate students must perform the kata movements correctly in order to pass belt tests. Beyond helping Karate students to practice kicks and strikes, kata is also used by instructors to improve a student’s physical conditioning, muscle memory, focus/concentration, balance, etc
Who created the Shotokan kata?
Gichin Funakoshi (the founder of Shotokan Karate) and his son, Gigo Funakoshi, developed many of the official Shotokan kata and kihon kata.
What does Shotokan mean?
Shotokan is Japanese for House (or Hall) of Pine Waves. Shoto means “pine waves” or the movement of pine branches as the wind bows through the trees. Shotokan was the name of the first dojo built by the founder of Shotokan Karate, Gichin Funakoshi.
What are the fitness benefits of Shotokan kata?
The performance of kata has many fitness benefits. For example, kata can help students to lose weight given the significant calorie expenditure achieved during training. Kata may also improve a student’s muscular strength and muscle tone given kata’s use of powerful kicks, punches, leaps, etc. Moreover, the conditioning required to perform numerous kata sessions also improves a student’s stamina and energy.
Another fitness benefit is that kata can improve a person’s balance because they need to learn and practice different stances, kicking positions, etc. Furthermore, kata can improve eye, hand and foot coordination because students need to combine a wide variety of kicks, punches and stances. Kata also has the fitness benefit of enhancing flexibility because students need to master difficult or advanced kata techniques.
Finally, kata has the fitness benefit where it can help with the athletic performance in other sports. Kata provides excellent cross training and thus improves an athlete’s overall coordination, balance, strength, stamina, etc.
Is Shotokan Karate effective?
Shotokan Karate can be an effective means of learning self-defense. This Japanese martial arts style teaches kicks, strikes, sparring (kumite), self-defense techniques, etc. However, like all martial arts, the effectiveness of Shotokan Karate depends on the commitment of the student, the skill of the instructor and the focus of the Shotokan school. Shotokan Karate training will be ineffective as a means of learning self-defense if the student rarely goes to class, the student does not regularly practice, the teacher is a poor instructor, the Shotokan school does not provide frequent self-defense sessions, the self-defense training is unrealistic, etc.
Sensei Gichin Funakoshi, the founder of Shotokan Karate
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