A. Yes! A lot of kids perform their martial arts moves in talent shows and other things. Their friends are always blown away. The positive feedback children receive helps build their self-esteem and confidence. Kids feel good knowing they can do something that’s “cool” and special.

A. With consistent training and practice, it takes an average of 3-5 years to obtain a black belt, and every student is different. There are eleven (10 belt levels you must pass before earning a black belt. They are:
.White Belt (1oth Kyu)
. White Belt w/yellow stripe (9th Kyu)
. Yellow Belt (8th Kyu)
. Orange Belt (7th Kyu)
. Green Belt (6th Kyu)
. Purple Belt (5th Kyu)
. Blue Belt (4th Kyu)
. 3rd Brown Belt w/white stripe (3rd Kyu)
. 2nd Brown Belt (2nd Kyu)
. 1st Brown Belt w/black stipe (1st Kyu)
. Black Belt (Shodan: Adults / Junior Black Belt: Kids.)

A. Yes! In fact, martial arts is often a “home” for kids who don’t excel at team sports. Kids who have trouble in baseball, basketball, etc. often come to martial arts and do extremely well. And it’s okay if your child is not athletic right now. Through our classes, they’ll get in great shape and become very athletic.

A. Absolutely not. Children learn a lot about what it means to be respectful and polite here. As a result, kids who weren’t violent in the first place become even more respectful and kind. Kids with behavior problems often become very respectful and calm.
A. The instructors at SJK Club are committed to having class be an educational, fun, and safe experience for everyone. Beginning karate students are expected to make little or no contact with other students when practicing to ensure that no-one gets hurt. If ever you are uncomfortable with the level of contact in class, you can let your fellow student and/or an instructor know, and he or she will make adjustments. The level of physical contact you will make with other students will increase as you gain experience and greater levels of control over your strikes. Once you reach an intermediate level, you will be expected to make contact with fellow students in order to demonstrate that you can execute self defense techniques effectively and in a controlled manner.
A. SJ Karate offers several discount programs and the prices for the quality karate we teach is reasonable and affordable. For detailed information about prices. please contact our friendly staff and/or email at sj.karatedojo@gmail.com or sj.karatedojo@hotmail.com, or text at 210-464-8982 Make checks payable to SJ Karate and indicate our student name on the check. Checks are greatly preferred, but cash is accepted. Credit cards are welcome, but 2.5% should be added.
A. If you’re a beginner coming to your first classes with SJ Karate, you should wear athletic clothes that you feel comfortable moving around in. Typically students practice karate in bare feet, so you need not worry about footwear. Once you’re ready to commit to the class, you can buy a gi package through your school, which includes a gi (white karate pants and top), a white belt, a mouth guard (for sparring.) As student progress, they will be required to use a chest and head protector. Boys and men must purchase athletic cups on their own or through our SJ Karate and wear them to each class. All the gi’s and sparring gears can also be ordered through our Club.
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